Who we are.
Welcome to Employment Accelerator Hub; the best platform where you can develop and enhance your kills,abilities,habits,knowledge,attitude, competence as well as expertise, and position you for the right and high paying jobs. It is a marketplace where we showcase the profile of qualified candidates to prospective employers of labor. It is a platform that connects candidates (members) to prospective authentic employers of labor across various industries.
Identify people with the right personality fit for the role Personality tests predict success Personality tests help to predict job fit. People with a strong job fit are more at ease and more likely to excel at their work.
Know what new hires will be like before they start We already know that the best predictor of future job performance is a person s level of cognitive ability. But this can be undermined if your new employees don t have the right personality for the role and won t feel comfortable in the job.
The Employee Personality Profile (EPP) is a quick, simple yet uncannily accurate assessment of how a person will behave and interact in the workplace. It s based on the Big Five or Five Factor model of personality classification and measures 12 traits: Achievement, Assertiveness, Competitiveness, Conscientiousness, Cooperativeness, Extroversion, Managerial, Motivation, Openness, Patience, Self-Confidence and Stress Tolerance.
It gives you invaluable information about how a person will behave if you hire them and helps you to understand how well their personality fits the role requirements.
The Employment Accelerator Hub is a unique platform geared towards solving the huge unemployment rate in the country, and enables employers have access to a pool of highly qualified candidates that can fit into available vacancies as soon as possible .It is a marketplace where we empower and showcase qualified candidates with skills, knowledge, abilities and competence needed to fit into vacancies.We connect Prospective employers to qualified candidates,at zero cost to both parties.
To ensure student acquire the prerequsite skills needed for them to excel.
To develop and enhance student skills, abilities, habits, knowledge, attitude, competence as well as expertise, and position them for the right and high paying jobs.
Dedication, Focus, Teamwork and knowledge sharing.