Employment Accelerator provides qualified candidates for prospective employers of labor.Employers desirous of getting the best employees can visit the platform and obtain candidates performance from their profiles.Employers can also hire Talent from a pool of qualified candidates to fill up vacancies in their various offices.
Employment Accelerator is not just focused on connecting prospective employees to employers but also offering various career counselling for candidates to enable them grow in their various fields of study.
We offer a combination of online and in class intensive and very comprehensive talent and capacity development courses to prepare and position candidates for dream job opportunities and fit into the organization’s corporate culture quickly.
The training school curriculum is very robust and based on best practices and international standard
We run Two membership Levels: Entry and Experienced and each levels have Eight courses each participant is expected to Finish to pass the certification.
Welcome to Employment Accelerator Hub; the best platform where you can develop and enhance your skills,abilities,habits,knowledge,attitude, competence as well as expertise, and position you for the right and high paying jobs. It is a marketplace where we showcase the profile of qualified candidates to prospective employers of labor. It is a platform that connects candidates (members) to prospective authentic employers of labor across various industries.
To ensure student acquire the prerequsite skills needed for them to excel.
To develop and enhance student skills, abilities, habits, knowledge, attitude, competence as well as expertise, and position them for the right and high paying jobs.
Dedication, Focus, Teamwork and knowledge sharing.